MBSR Teacher Training, Level 1 course, TT1
In an 8-day / 7-night retreat you will learn to teach the core meditation practices and develop and practice the skill of facilitating Inquiry - a key part of the group learning process. There will also be in-depth discussion and exploration of the Curriculum of the 8-week MBSR course including group exercises contained in the course and reflection on how to teach them. The practices, foundational skills and approaches you will learn are common to both MBSR and MBCT.
This training offers you an opportunity to learn and practise:
guiding practices
professional good practice
holding the group
These are the key foundations for the teaching of mindfulness-based programmes. All subsequent training development rests on them.
To ensure plenty of opportunity for small group practice and reflection the group size will be limited to 12 students.
Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction MBSR Teacher Training Level 1 course
This is the first step in learning how to teach mindfulness. The Foundation course is an opportunity to engage in a personal and group process designed to facilitate a deepening of your personal mindfulness practice and develop your skills in teaching mindfulness-based approaches. It can be taken as a stand-alone Further Training, Continued Professional Development (CPD) or Continued Education Units (CEU) for those wishing to add Mindfulness-based approaches to their profession or teaching, or as part of the full Qualified Mindfulness MBSR Teacher Training.

Teacher Training Retreat, level 1 is an intensive experiential training course offering space for inspiration, learning and the co-creation of a supportive circle of community that is designed to immerse participants in the principles and practice of mindfulness-based teaching. We also include in-depth workshops on Mindful Movement and Inquiry which often have to be taken as separate courses.
Teacher Training Retreat, level 1 the focus of this foundation course is to deepen your personal practice and learn how to teach the MBSR core practices, (see more details below) We will also explore the theories and intentions of the Inquiry process as a core element of MBSR & MBCT and practice inquiry in small groups. In a safe and nurturing environment, we will assist you in cultivating your skills and you will receive feedback and assessment MBI-TAC from Bodhin and the team to support your development.
Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness:- An estimated 90% of the world's population will be exposed to a traumatic event over the course of their lives (Frans, Rimmo, Aberg & Fredrikson, 2005) and up to 20% of us will develop post-traumatic stress. This means that anywhere mindfulness is being practised, someone in the room is likely to be struggling with trauma. To address this, we also explore how to teach the general public in a trauma-informed way to minimize the potential dangers of mindfulness.
The retreat structure:
The course is experienced in a retreat environment to develop and support the deepening of your personal mindfulness practice. During the week, there will be regular periods of silence – and a silent led practice day.
The format of the day:
- Early morning movement and sitting practice - guided by a course teacher
- In-depth exploration of the MBSR Curriculum and key theoretical underpinning of Mindfulness with the whole group. There is also time given to peer-to-peer learning including workshops. Guidance & Q&A on how to teach the core practice during the afternoon session. (Mornings)
- Teach Back Sessions (afternoons) – guiding the core mindfulness-based practices and practising inquiry skills in small peer groups
- Personal journaling to embed learning (Daily)
The course is designed and guided to create a group learning process that feels safe in an open, spacious and supportive environment.
The evaluation procedure will be ongoing. During the course the students will receive training on delivering the core meditations in the morning and every afternoon students will practice guiding the same core meditations in small groups. During these Teach-backs, the students will receive feedback using the Mindfulness-based Meditation Teaching Assessment Criteria or MBI-TACs
These criteria were developed by trainers at CMRP Bangor in collaboration with colleagues at the University based mindfulness centres in Exeter and Oxford and also further development by Mindful Academy Solterreno, and they are also being adopted by training organisations in Europe and the USA. Our course has been set out to exceed the industry Good Practice Guidelines and Meditation Teacher Training Pathway requirements.
Our curriculum
Our curriculum follows the UMASS CFM curriculum and also the UK Good Practice guidelines for Teaching Mindfulness and Mindfulness Teachers used by institutions such as UMASS, Bangor, Exeter and Oxford Universities and is based on the standard MBSR week course taught around the world.
Learning to teach the Mindfulness Core Practices -
Regarding teaching practice, skills are practised on peers with feedback from trainers (Teach-backs). Every afternoon you will be given the opportunity of teaching a 20-minute version of the MBSR core practice that was explored during the morning session. To safely support your development these Teach-backs will be in small groups with peer feedback and also you will also be assessed during the course by Bodhin and the team following the MBI-TAC guidelines for MBSR Teachers (Mindfulness-based Intervention Teaching Assessment Criteria). At the end of the module, you will also have a 15 minute 1-1 to discuss your next development steps.
- Awareness of Breath and Body
- Body Scan Meditation
- Mindful Movement, Standing and Seated
- Open Awareness Meditation
- Includes Inquiry workshops and practice
- Includes Assessment with the MBI-TAC, the 6 domains.
And additionally, we also practice extracurricular:
- Awareness of Breath, Body, Sounds and Thoughts
- Turning towards the difficult Meditation
- Kindly Awareness Meditation
- Informal Mindfulness practices such as the Breathing Space, S.T.O.P and R.A.I.N and G.L.A.D
Learning outcomes:
To develop competencies to teach the MBSR course from beginner to advanced beginner.
Continue the cycle of learning and feedback on MBSR teaching directly observed by our team of Trainers.
Learning outcomes, Teaching skills:
By the end of the training, participants will have:
- Practised and developed skills and understanding in guiding mindfulness-based practices and the inquiry process that follows the practice
- Experienced the curriculum and themes of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction as outlined by CFM Umass.
- Developed an understanding of the ways of learning and teaching within Mindfulness-Based Programmes, including:
- teaching out of one’s own direct embodied experience
- bringing Investigation/ exploration/ inquiry/ curiosity to the learning process
Learning outcomes, Personal practice:
By the end of the training participants will have:
- Developed a grounded understanding of mindfulness as an approach cultivated through on-going personal awareness, in both formal and informal everyday practice, in silence and in dialogue.
- Explored the value of mindfulness-based practice as a way of relating to difficulty
- Experienced being part of a practice community with a sense of common purpose
Theory and professional issues:
By the end of the training participants will learn about:
- The origins and context of mindfulness in contemporary settings
- The central importance of a commitment to a sustained path of personal development and practice
- The process of assessment and orientation as a vital part of the delivery of mindfulness courses
- The importance of committing to personal/professional supervision and self-care for mindfulness teachers
- Some of the ethical issues which arise in this work.
MBSR Level 1 Pre-course study.
- Reading the 2 pre-course books
- Completing pre-course MBSR Meditation practices using the MP3's provided with completion of a Reflective MBSR Journal.
- With the provided Pre-course study guide, you are asked to undertake both Personal and Professional preparation as part of your Teacher Training Pathway
- We will send out 8 weekly emails before the start of the course to help you prepare.
“Mindfulness provides a simple but powerful route for getting ourselves unstuck, back in touch with our own wisdom and vitality.
The most important point is to really be yourself and not try to become anything that you are not already….
being in touch with your deepest nature, and letting it flow out of you unimpeded”
Jon Kabat-Zinn
Application forms and booking -
If you would like to apply you can do so by filling in the online application form.
Any questions to submissions@mbsr.website
The trainers:
The trainers on the programme are all graduates of Mindful Academy Solterreno. The trainers have been extensively trained and engage in a rigorous ongoing process of training and supervision, including Train-the-Trainer Retreats.