Mindfulness Teacher-Led Silent Retreats

Bodhin Teaching MindfulnessMindfulness Teacher-Led Silent Retreats

These teacher-led silent retreat offers a safe and supportive environment for experienced Meditators, Mindfulness Teacher Trainees and Established Teachers in which to deepen and extend secular mindfulness meditation practice. It provides an opportunity to deeply tune in to our inner processes, exploring the ways we react to experience and how we might practise kindness towards our moment to moment experience and cultivate wisdom.

These silent retreats are specifically designed to meet the good practise guidelines for Mindfulness teachers on the teacher training pathway and are also highly suitable for more experienced teachers wishing to deepen their connection to the core underpinnings of mindfulness as it is taught in the eight-week course. It is also suitable for those who have taken an 8-week mindfulness course and who wish to deepen their practice. They also meet one of the requirements for applying to the Advanced Mindful Academy MBSR Teacher Training program. No previous retreat experience is required as full teacher support is available.

In general, our retreats include meditation instruction, talks and guided sessions of mindfulness meditation practice including mindful movement. They provide a safe and nourishing environment for the cultivation of a deep and grounded mindfulness meditation practice.

These retreats offer the opportunity to have an intensive practice, during which it will be possible to cultivate and nourish the special sensitivity that underlies awareness practices. In this period in which Mindfulness practice has become so popular, it is possible to misinterpret it as a technique to learn quickly and to apply easily, rather than an inner and heartfelt personal resource to develop through a long-life practice. Many of us are getting a taste of meditation and a wish to practise more intensively, so these retreats are opportunities to take our mindfulness practise deeper.

During the retreats the participants will have the possibility to get closer to and comprehend their personal experiences through the practice of mindfulness meditation in its universal and non-sectarian expression, conveying the way, spirit and practice of MBSR.


The retreat will include guided and silent practice, with periods of Mindful Walking and Mindful Movement, to help bring our practice right into the experience of everyday life. Silence is a main supportive feature of the retreat and we will be practising a warm friendly silence and, at all times, there will be the possibility to speak to the retreat leader or organisers should this be needed. There will also be an option to talk briefly with the retreat leader about your practice. The first evening we will be talking and getting to know each other, outlining the program etc. The last evening we will be breaking the silence and sharing aspects of the experience if we wish to.

These retreats will often include:

  • Periods of both guided and self-directed practice
  • Short talks to support our practice
  • Sustained periods of silence to enable participants to connect more fully with their inner experience
  • Time to practice mindfulness informally between the scheduled sessions
  • The teachers will be available to talk to people individually.

A core teaching intention for this retreat is to offer a structure and atmosphere within which we can deeply look into our experience with the freshness of beginner’s mind, enabling new insights and perspectives to emerge.

Are retreats suitable for everyone?

Although our mindfulness retreats are suitable for most people, they are not suitable for everyone. Retreats can be quite intensive, and we do not advise attending a retreat if you are suffering from certain conditions or have had a traumatic event which is interfering with your everyday life. When filling out the application form for a retreat, we advise that you provide us with as much information as possible so that we can make sure the retreat you select is suitable for you.

Upcoming dates:

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silent retreat


In May this year, I attended my 6th retreat at Solterreno.

The centre is set in an extraordinarily beautiful position; its terraces and garden offer calm and tranquillity whilst the surrounding mountains seem to breathe with a quiet and majestic stillness. This awe-inspiring landscape is conducive to a total immersion into the bigger picture!

What really transforms this already beautiful place is the potency and collective resonance of the practice that has been happening here for years. Solterreno's gift of space and silence makes room for a depth of personal practise that can be transforming, life-changing and profoundly healing.

I have attended retreats here in various states of well being - but the common denominator is that once home there is always a shift, a movement, a broadening of awareness and understanding that resonates and informs my choices as I go forward in this life.

With thanks to Bodhin and Adelina and the birds that never stop singing!

Cathryn Newman

Silent retreat

Mindful Directory logo Mindful Academy Solterreno
discovering mindfulness  


I recently completed TT1 at Mindful Academy Solterreno. From the moment I started the course, I felt supported and encouraged. Bodhin led a well-paced and designed course and we were given the tools to maximize our learning both personally and professionally. The retreat center itself is run so…

TT1 April 2023

Testimonial As a very reflective person who likes to be in silent observation of the world, I must say that by the end of this retreat I have got to know a different silence - turning inward and actively listening to the reactions of my body, accompanied by thoughts and emotions…

5-days silent retreat, Sept 2022


TT3 is an amazing course. Highly recommended to anyone who wishes to deepen their own mindfulness practice and develop their teaching skills.

Training Staff feedback

Bodhin and Sheena you are…

TT3 June 2022

3 words best describe your experience of this course

belonging, kindness, deepening


I recommend TT3 to anyone who is interested in deepening their knowledge and skil ls for mindfulness teaching.

There is ample opportunity provided to deepen your practice including a 2-day silent retreat at the beginning. The instruction is superlative. The sessions…

TT3, June 2022

I loved how the course was structured. I took TT1 in the intense format of 1 week and TT2 was instead spread over 2 months. I really enjoyed both formats and I felt that TT2 was ideal in this format, because I really had the time to absorb what I learnt in each session and had time to prepare.…

What 3 words best describe your experience of this course

community, support, learning

TT2 Online, Oct 2021

Fantastic course. The structure of each day was fantastic. The days were long but every activity or teaching session felt like it was not rushed, there was spaciousness and yet things didn't often overrun or feel crammed in. Perfect balance. The teachers were absolutely wonderful, grounding,…

What 3 words best describe your experience of this course

Grounding. Safe. Comprehensive

TT1 8-day intensive 

I would recommend this TT1 training course to anyone interested in doing the course. The material is well structured and laid out. It is taught experientially which aids in long term learning. The trainers are knowledgeable and impart their knowledge in showing rather than teaching at the…

What 3 words best describe your experience of this course

wonderful, insightful, formative

TT1 Online August 2021 


I have loved the course. Very intense in a way, but the safe environment and the sense of community that is created around my colleagues and the trainers is incredible and made me change the perspective of being. It brought me to an incredible space of love and kindness. I…

TT1 online August 2021 

Bodhins videos
