Mindful Academy Solterreno Grievance Procedure

Mindful Academy Solterreno Grievance Procedure

What is a grievance or complaint?

A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction, either written or spoken. A complaint can be made by an individual or a group. You may wish to complain if you are not satisfied with the way you have been treated, the service you have received or the tuition you have received from your teacher.


Mindful Academy Solterreno recognises that complaints are an important part of customer’s feedback. 

All complaints will be investigated fully and fairly.

Complaints will be dealt with in confidence. The only exception to this is when others could be put at risk by matters referred to in the complaint.

If the complainant is not happy with the result of the response to the complaint, they will have the right to appeal to the teachers’ industry body such as Yoga Alliance Professionals.

Mindful Academy Solterreno is committed to ensuring that its services, products and courses are of the highest quality. The complaints procedure enables Mindful Academy Solterreno to respond clearly and properly to complaints and to know when and why people are not satisfied with its services and courses, so that they can improve them.

Complaints about Mindful Academy Solterreno Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Course

There are three stages that you can follow to try to resolve the issue. We will always try to resolve any complaint as soon as possible.

You may wish to involve an advocate, friend or someone else to support you at any stage. If you need a sign language or community language interpreter, please let the person dealing with the compliant know and every reasonable effort will be made to provide it.

Stage One:

Speak to the individual(s) concerned and try to resolve the complaint informally on the day.

If you are not satisfied with the response you have received, try to resolve the issue by following stage two.


Stage Two:

Outline the details of your complaint by letter or email and send it to the Bodhin Philip Woodward, Director of Training at bodhin@solterreno.com who will investigate the complaint.Your complaint will be acknowledged within 3 working days from the date it is received. The response will contain the following information:

Name of the person who will investigate the complaint

The date(s) that the incident happened

What support you can expect to receive during the process of the complaint

An expected response date

In fairness to all parties and to ensure the investigator is able to investigate the complaint in an open and meaningful way, we cannot guarantee your anonymity. In exceptional cases, however, where a child or vulnerable adult is involved, in accordance with national guidelines and good practice the identity of individuals at risk with be protected.

When the person(s) who are dealing with the complaint, have had an opportunity to review it, they will write to the tutor or person about whom the complaint has been made. The letter will outline the main elements of your complaint and ask for a full written response.

At this point, if further relevant information comes to light, you may be asked for your comments to ensure the investigator has a balanced understanding. When your response has been received, the investigator will consider all the information available to them and make a decision.

The response will include the following information:

Details of the investigation

A decision about whether the complaint was upheld or not

The reason for the decision

The re-dress, if appropriate, which will be offered to you , for example, an apology, additional help or directing you to other sources of advice or support

Any other action that may be taken in light of the complaint

If it is not possible to provide a full answer to your complaint within 30 working days, the letter will outline reasons why and give a date by which a full answer is expected.

Stage three:

If you are not satisfied with the response to your complaint then outline the reasons for your dissatisfaction by letter. Email this to Yoga Alliance Professionals (if the teachers are Yoga Alliance Professionals accredited). This information will be provided in response to Stage two.

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discovering mindfulness  


I recently completed TT1 at Mindful Academy Solterreno. From the moment I started the course, I felt supported and encouraged. Bodhin led a well-paced and designed course and we were given the tools to maximize our learning both personally and professionally. The retreat center itself is run so…

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TT3 is an amazing course. Highly recommended to anyone who wishes to deepen their own mindfulness practice and develop their teaching skills.

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Bodhin and Sheena you are…

TT3 June 2022

3 words best describe your experience of this course

belonging, kindness, deepening


I recommend TT3 to anyone who is interested in deepening their knowledge and skil ls for mindfulness teaching.

There is ample opportunity provided to deepen your practice including a 2-day silent retreat at the beginning. The instruction is superlative. The sessions…

TT3, June 2022

I loved how the course was structured. I took TT1 in the intense format of 1 week and TT2 was instead spread over 2 months. I really enjoyed both formats and I felt that TT2 was ideal in this format, because I really had the time to absorb what I learnt in each session and had time to prepare.…

What 3 words best describe your experience of this course

community, support, learning

TT2 Online, Oct 2021

Fantastic course. The structure of each day was fantastic. The days were long but every activity or teaching session felt like it was not rushed, there was spaciousness and yet things didn't often overrun or feel crammed in. Perfect balance. The teachers were absolutely wonderful, grounding,…

What 3 words best describe your experience of this course

Grounding. Safe. Comprehensive

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I would recommend this TT1 training course to anyone interested in doing the course. The material is well structured and laid out. It is taught experientially which aids in long term learning. The trainers are knowledgeable and impart their knowledge in showing rather than teaching at the…

What 3 words best describe your experience of this course

wonderful, insightful, formative

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I have loved the course. Very intense in a way, but the safe environment and the sense of community that is created around my colleagues and the trainers is incredible and made me change the perspective of being. It brought me to an incredible space of love and kindness. I…

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Bodhins videos
