Level 1 daily schedule

The retreat structure:

Level 1 MBSR Teacher Training is experienced in a retreat environment to develop and support the deepening of your personal mindfulness practice. During the week, there will be regular periods of silence – and a silent led practice day.

Format of the day:

  • early morning movement and sitting practice, followed by MBSR key curriculum components taught to the group as course participants (Mornings)
  • Teach Back Sessions (afternoons) – guiding sections of core mindfulness-based practices and practising inquiry skills in small peer groups
  • Taught didactic sessions on the key Session themes
  • Personal journaling to help embed the learning.Mindfulness Teacher Training

The intention is to create a group process that feels safe and trustworthy. An open, spacious learning environment that encourages spontaneity and creativity and structured learning.

Level 1 daily schedule*:–

07.30 - 08.30 Teacher lead personal practice
08.30 - 09.30 Breakfast
09.30 - 14.00 Morning MBSR key curriculum components workshops
14.00 - 16.00 Lunch and free time
16.00 - 20.00 Afternoon Teach Back Practice sessions
20.00 Dinner

*Daily schedule is subject to change.

There is also a Silent Retreat Day

Structural Breakdown of Level 1

Total Number of Hours on Course:

Level 1 = 66 contact hours, 112 non contact, Total 178 hours
Bodhin the Director of Training will be teaching at least 70% of the contact hours

Name of Main Teacher:   Bodhin Philip Woodward

Level 1:




Module 1

Contact Hours

Non-Contact Hours

Total Hours



Module 1

7-day residential retreat.







TT1 Pre-course study (non-contact)

Reading Full Catastrophe Living by Jon Kabat-Zinn

The Heart of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction: an MBSR Guide for Clinicians and Clients, Rosenbaum, Elana

Reading and practise teaching with the Mindful Academy Meditation Core Practice Scripts

Meditation and Journaling 6 out of 7 days a week for 8 Weeks

Arrival Day

18.00 Welcome to the course and Opening Meditation

20.00 Dinner

21.00 Personal Reflections and Journaling

Day 1: Introduction to Teaching Mindfulness Meditation

07.30 - 08.30 Yoga based Mindful Movement Practice and MBSR Sitting Practice

08.30 - 09.30 Group silent Retreat breakfast

09.30 - 10.30 Set ground agreements, Discovering your manual, Structure of the Mindful Academy 8 Week MBSR course, MBSR Curriculum

10.30 - 11.30 MBSR Key curriculum components Session 1

12.00 - 13.00 Inquiry workshop

13.00 - 13.30 Guiding the meditations, Domain 4

13.30 - 14.00 MBI-TAC Domains, a brief intro to domains


16.00 - 19.30 Meditation Core Teaching Practical - Guiding a 20-minute version of the Body scan core practice Meditation - followed by Inquiry and feedback, Student teaching practical and MBI-TAC feedback in small groups.

19.30 - 20.00 Group reflection and personal journaling to embed the learning

Day 2:

07.30 - 08.30 Yoga based Mindful Movement Practice and MBSR Sitting Practice

08.30 - 09.30 Group silent Retreat breakfast

09.30 - 10.30 MBSR Key curriculum components Session 2

10.30 - 11.30 MBSR Key curriculum components Session 3

12.00 - 12.40 Inquiry workshop

12.40 - 13.00 How to teach Awareness of Breath and Body (I.A.A. timelines, pauses etc)

13.30 - 14.00 Preparation to teach Awareness of Breath and Body


16.00 - 19.30 Meditation Core Teaching Practical - Guiding a 20-minute version of Sitting Meditation: Awareness of Breath and Body core Meditation - followed by Inquiry and feedback, Student teaching practical and MBI-TAC feedback in small groups.

19.30 - 20.00 Regroup and discuss the day, time for questions and answers, closing the day

Day 3:

07.30 - 08.30 Yoga based Mindful Movement Practice and MBSR Sitting Practice

08.30 - 09.30 Group silent Retreat breakfast

09.30 - 10.00 Inquiry

10.00 - 11.30 MBSR Key curriculum components Session 4

12.00 - 13.30 MBSR Key curriculum components Session 5

12.30 - 13.00 How to teach Mindful Movement (I.A.A. timelines, pauses etc)

13.00 - 14.00 Preparation to teach Mindful Movement


16.00 - 19.30 Meditation Core Teaching Practical - Guiding a 20-minute version of Mindful Movement - followed by Inquiry and feedback, Student teaching practical and MBI-TAC feedback in small groups.

19.30 - 20.00 Regroup and discuss the day, time for questions and answers, closing the day

Day 4: Silent day

07.30 - 08.30 Yoga based Mindful Movement Practice and MBSR Sitting Practice

08.30 - 09.30 Group silent Retreat breakfast.

Practice and Training day, including inquiry.

Mindfulness Sitting Meditations

Body Scan

Mindful Movement

Mindful Walking

Mindful Eating

Practice and Training -

Dissolving the silence

Group discussion

Closing circle

Day 5:

07.30 - 08.30 Yoga based Mindful Movement Practice and MBSR Sitting Practice

08.30 - 09.30 Group silent Retreat breakfast

09.30 - 11.30 MBSR Key curriculum components Session 6

12.00 - 13.30 MBSR Key curriculum components Session 7

12.30 - 13.00 How to teach Open Awareness (I.A.A. timelines, pauses etc)

13.00 - 14.00 Preparation to teach Open Awareness


16.00 - 19.30 Meditation Core Teaching Practical - Guiding a 20-minute version of Sitting Meditation: Open Awareness core Meditation - followed by Inquiry and feedback, Student teaching practical and MBI-TAC feedback in small groups.

19.30 - 20.00 Regroup and discuss the day, time for questions and answers, closing the day

Day 6:

07.30 - 08.30 Yoga based Mindful Movement Practice and MBSR Sitting Practice

08.30 - 09.30 Group silent Retreat breakfast

09.30 - 10.30 MBSR Key curriculum components Session 8

11.00 - 13.30 MBSR Teacher Training - next steps, then in small groups

13.30 - 14.00 Journaling

16.00 - 19.30 Overview, Orientation and pre-course interview, The TTP, Next Steps

19.30 - 20.00 Regroup and discuss the day, time for questions and answers, closing the day

Departure day

07.30 - 08.30 Morning meditation and yoga-based mindful movement practice

08.30 - 09.30 Group silent Retreat breakfast

09.30 -10.00 Reflections and Journaling

10.00 Departure


The level 2

Mindful Directory logo Mindful Academy Solterreno
discovering mindfulness  


I recently completed TT1 at Mindful Academy Solterreno. From the moment I started the course, I felt supported and encouraged. Bodhin led a well-paced and designed course and we were given the tools to maximize our learning both personally and professionally. The retreat center itself is run so…

TT1 April 2023

Testimonial As a very reflective person who likes to be in silent observation of the world, I must say that by the end of this retreat I have got to know a different silence - turning inward and actively listening to the reactions of my body, accompanied by thoughts and emotions…

5-days silent retreat, Sept 2022


TT3 is an amazing course. Highly recommended to anyone who wishes to deepen their own mindfulness practice and develop their teaching skills.

Training Staff feedback

Bodhin and Sheena you are…

TT3 June 2022

3 words best describe your experience of this course

belonging, kindness, deepening


I recommend TT3 to anyone who is interested in deepening their knowledge and skil ls for mindfulness teaching.

There is ample opportunity provided to deepen your practice including a 2-day silent retreat at the beginning. The instruction is superlative. The sessions…

TT3, June 2022

I loved how the course was structured. I took TT1 in the intense format of 1 week and TT2 was instead spread over 2 months. I really enjoyed both formats and I felt that TT2 was ideal in this format, because I really had the time to absorb what I learnt in each session and had time to prepare.…

What 3 words best describe your experience of this course

community, support, learning

TT2 Online, Oct 2021

Fantastic course. The structure of each day was fantastic. The days were long but every activity or teaching session felt like it was not rushed, there was spaciousness and yet things didn't often overrun or feel crammed in. Perfect balance. The teachers were absolutely wonderful, grounding,…

What 3 words best describe your experience of this course

Grounding. Safe. Comprehensive

TT1 8-day intensive 

I would recommend this TT1 training course to anyone interested in doing the course. The material is well structured and laid out. It is taught experientially which aids in long term learning. The trainers are knowledgeable and impart their knowledge in showing rather than teaching at the…

What 3 words best describe your experience of this course

wonderful, insightful, formative

TT1 Online August 2021 


I have loved the course. Very intense in a way, but the safe environment and the sense of community that is created around my colleagues and the trainers is incredible and made me change the perspective of being. It brought me to an incredible space of love and kindness. I…

TT1 online August 2021 

Bodhins videos
