This professional Teacher Training course is intended for participants who:
- Have attended as a participant an MBSR 8-week programme over 8 weeks, or a Live Online course, or in Retreat format.
- Have a well-established personal meditation practice (not necessarily Mindfulness Meditation) of 1 year and a minimum 5 times per week.
- A desire to discover how to apply mindfulness in everyday life.
- Plan to or are teaching/integrating MBSR mindfulness-based Stress Reduction approaches in their work.
This MBSR Teacher Training course will introduce you to teaching the practices and curriculum of Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR).
The teaching skills you will learn are essential and common to both MBSR and Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)
- Facilitated by Bodhin Phillip Woodward
- You do not need to take both TT1 and TT2 in the same year
- TT1 counts as ongoing Continued Professional Development (CPD) and as such can be taken as a stand-alone course for those wishing to include the core practices of MBSR Meditation into their professions.
The evaluation procedure will be ongoing and the students will receive training on delivering the core meditations in the morning and in the afternoons students will practice guiding the same core meditations in small groups. During these practicals, the students will be given feedback using the Mindfulness-based Meditation Teaching Assessment Criteria or MBI-TACs