Cathryn Newman
Cathryn Newman is a registered MBSR teacher, Yoga Teacher and registered Humanist Funeral Celebrant.
After attending TT1 and 2 at Solterreno and graduating in 2014 Cathryn has been teaching Mindfulness for Beginners courses and 8 Week MBSR courses. She holds Stress Relief workshops and offers Mindfulness and Yoga Retreat days. She also leads a fortnightly "Breathing Space" Mindfulness group in Purbeck, Dorset.
She is a fully qualified Hatha Yoga teacher with 25 years experience and incorporates all aspects of Mindfulness into her yoga teaching.
She provides Mindfulness and Yoga therapy for people preparing for or recovering from surgery and those living with cancer, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and other life-changing health conditions.
Fully committed to her personal practice, Cathryn also attends retreats at Solterreno and has regular supervision.
She will be leading a Mindfulness and Yoga retreat later this year, in France.
"Although I had been practising meditation and yoga for many years, my life began to change profoundly when I became aware of and started to practise Mindfulness. And now, years after that initial spark of interest, the practise fully supports me in every aspect of my life and experience.
Those years without Mindfulness could have been very different; my choices may have been underpinned with more awareness and self-knowledge, the way in which I dealt with the vicissitudes of life might have been less reactive and more responsive! All of it would undoubtedly have been approached from a healthier and more aware standpoint - had I discovered Mindfulness then!
Mindfulness has given to me the tools with which to practise acceptance and process painful emotions from the past and to live more fully and respond with more awareness to the whole of my experience as it unfolds in the present moment. I firmly believe that it is the foundation of a more balanced, aware and compassionate life."