Sheena Burke

As most teachers of mindfulness approaches, my pathway is founded on a deeply personal engagement with the practice over a number of years, since 2002. Coupled with the persistent and increasing empirical basis for MBSR, I was drawn to join the training pathway in 2013 - so that I may offer others a doorway to the power of these teachings and practices, especially as a means to connect with many in my community who may not, ordinarily,  seek out or have easy access to psychological support or therapies until they have moved far beyond their ‘edges’. As a psychologist, this appeals to my community psychology leanings and it is complementary to my therapeutic practice, that is based on humanistic, systemic, relational and ‘third-wave’ CBT, including positive psychology, orientations.

My choice of teacher training school in Mindful Academy Solterreno, was informed by three key offerings: firstly, its diversity of reach i.e. the international and variety of professional and cultural backgrounds of participants, thus living the common humanity dimension that is core to MBAs. Secondly, the pedigree and integrity of the Director, Dh. Bodhin Phillip Woodward, whose own practice and training is rooted in Buddhist teachings and practice, with a commitment to teaching a quality secular mindfulness curriculum. Finally, its location. Deliberately chosen to rest in a mountain valley in Spain, Solterreno is intimately close to nature and offers a direct experience of a deeply respectful, supportive and encouraging learning context. This allows for a deepening and widening of engagement with the core teachings and practices of MBSR.

I am privileged to return seasonally and I was invited to join the training team in 2017. The training offered by Mindful Academy Solterreno is exemplary and meets the MTAI ‘Crucial Components of Training Content’ Criterion, by my reading. See for outline of content. Further confirmation can be provided by the Director, if required. In the absence of a suitable secular mindfulness organisation, Mindful Academy Solterreno is a Registered Yoga Alliance Meditation School, attends to the Good Practice Guidelines for Mindfulness Teachers, and the evolving global mindfulness community that is emerging, and calling for fidelity to CFM’s MBSR Curriculum (2017) - further testifying to the commitment to standards for MBSR teacher training at this particular training school.

My CPD pathway has afforded me the opportunity to learn with a wide range of skilful teachers and leaders in the MBA community in the UK and Ireland.  From workshops with Sarah Silverton, Trish Bartley, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Michael Chaskalason, Chris Tamdiji, Dr. Alistair Benson, Anita Harris and Alison Evans; to days of practice with Tara Brach and Sharon Salzberg; mindful conferences curated by NUIG, the Sanctuary and Mindfulness in Schools (UK); silent retreats with John Peacock, Akincano, Christina Feldman, Anushka Fernandopulle, Catherine McGee; and further training with Chris Cullen to teach the Finding Peace in a Frantic World curriculum, and Taravajra & Dominic Morris for .bFoundations.

My personal practice is woven into all aspects of my being these days – starting the day with formal practice, grounds, connects and opens to the day ahead. Other formal practices are called on to process and give space to the challenging moments.  Each moment I practice is a moment of deepening awareness and connection with being human; a direct experience of practising ‘nonjudging kindly awareness’, in action and community; and that is the essence of the practice for me.

Mindfulness Teacher Training Pathway

Mindful Directory logo Mindful Academy Solterreno
discovering mindfulness  


I recently completed TT1 at Mindful Academy Solterreno. From the moment I started the course, I felt supported and encouraged. Bodhin led a well-paced and designed course and we were given the tools to maximize our learning both personally and professionally. The retreat center itself is run so…

TT1 April 2023

Testimonial As a very reflective person who likes to be in silent observation of the world, I must say that by the end of this retreat I have got to know a different silence - turning inward and actively listening to the reactions of my body, accompanied by thoughts and emotions…

5-days silent retreat, Sept 2022


TT3 is an amazing course. Highly recommended to anyone who wishes to deepen their own mindfulness practice and develop their teaching skills.

Training Staff feedback

Bodhin and Sheena you are…

TT3 June 2022

3 words best describe your experience of this course

belonging, kindness, deepening


I recommend TT3 to anyone who is interested in deepening their knowledge and skil ls for mindfulness teaching.

There is ample opportunity provided to deepen your practice including a 2-day silent retreat at the beginning. The instruction is superlative. The sessions…

TT3, June 2022

I loved how the course was structured. I took TT1 in the intense format of 1 week and TT2 was instead spread over 2 months. I really enjoyed both formats and I felt that TT2 was ideal in this format, because I really had the time to absorb what I learnt in each session and had time to prepare.…

What 3 words best describe your experience of this course

community, support, learning

TT2 Online, Oct 2021

Fantastic course. The structure of each day was fantastic. The days were long but every activity or teaching session felt like it was not rushed, there was spaciousness and yet things didn't often overrun or feel crammed in. Perfect balance. The teachers were absolutely wonderful, grounding,…

What 3 words best describe your experience of this course

Grounding. Safe. Comprehensive

TT1 8-day intensive 

I would recommend this TT1 training course to anyone interested in doing the course. The material is well structured and laid out. It is taught experientially which aids in long term learning. The trainers are knowledgeable and impart their knowledge in showing rather than teaching at the…

What 3 words best describe your experience of this course

wonderful, insightful, formative

TT1 Online August 2021 


I have loved the course. Very intense in a way, but the safe environment and the sense of community that is created around my colleagues and the trainers is incredible and made me change the perspective of being. It brought me to an incredible space of love and kindness. I…

TT1 online August 2021 

Bodhins videos
