Mindful Academy follows the Mindfulness Best Practice guidelines which state that teachers of MBSR should have - 'completion of an in-depth, rigorous mindfulness-based teacher training programme or supervised pathway over a minimum duration of 12 months.'
The 12-month pathway includes the pre-course study which is sent to you when you have been accepted and secured your space, completion of the MBSR Foundation Teacher Training TT1 course and the MBSR Advanced Teacher Training TTR2 course. The pathway also includes supervision and mentoring. Every student's needs are different and the guidelines are there so that each student achieves the required standards of competence and the confidence to deliver the mindfulness MBSR core practices and 8 Week MBSR course over a period of time to suit their existing skills and MBSR Teaching development.
To assist this development, during both the MBSR Foundation Teacher Training TT1 course and MBSR Advanced Teacher Training TT2 course we assess our student using the Mindfulness-based teaching assessment criteria (MBI-TAC) and discuss their next steps and ongoing teaching development including supervision and mentoring.
For more details on the Mindful Academy Teacher Training Pathway please visit: Our Training Pathways
For more details on Supervision please visit our website: Mindful Academy Supervision and Mentoring